Had enough of school?
Interested in finally earning your own money?

If you are interested in working with metals, you could not do better than PFARR Stanztechnik.
Talk to us, whether you have a clear idea of what you want to do, or want to learn more about the many possibilities available: we have a great range of employment opportunities.


If you are not yet certain of your best career choice, we offer a range of internship opportunities, affording you the possibility to get a taste of day-to-day work in a range of technical and commercial roles.  Simply submit your application to:  application@pfarr.de 

Career training programmes

As an SME (Small or Medium-sized Enterprise) and niche product manufacturer, we train our own specialist staff for our sector. Recognition as an “excellent training enterprise”  demonstrates the quality training we offer. We have a tiny degree of staff turnover across all departments. That means you can – provided you offer the appropriate input – secure long-term employment with us.

Part of the practical aspects of our technical vocational training is carried out by the regional corporate training alliance (www.fav-wak.de) .

We look forward to receiving your application to:  application@pfarr.de 

Certificate: excellent training enterprise

Dual work-study model

Working together with various higher education institutions, PFARR Stanztechnik offers the following courses:

Bachelor’s degree:

  • engineering disciplines/mechanical engineering
  • business administration
  • software technology

Master’s degree courses:

  • systems engineering
  • technical sales

BISS-mechanical engineering:

  • “BISS” integrated career training and study course in mechanical engineering leading to a Chamber of Commerce-acknowledged trade qualification and Bachelor of Engineering degree.

We look forward to receiving your application to:  application@pfarr.de